Price: $20 -- $30 $30 -- $40 $40 -- $50 $50 -- $60 $60 -- $70 $80 -- $90 $90 -- $100 $100 -- $110 $110 -- $120 $120 -- $130 $140 -- $150 $150 -- $160 $180 -- $190 $240 -- $250 $1440 and over
Size of bite suits: 50 / 175 56 / 170 custom 46 / 180 52 / 175 58 / 170 48 / 180 54 / 175 58 / 185 46 / 170 50 / 180 56 / 175 48 / 170 52 / 180 58 / 175 50 / 170 54 / 180 58 / 190 46 / 175 52 / 170 56 / 180 48 / 175 54 / 170 58 / 180
Use: Guard dog training Agitation/Attack training Tracking Police/Military K9 training Walking and daily use Advanced training Obedience training Training Beginners training